Sara Gallagher Bloom

Embodying the five seasons of Traditional Chinese Medicine.


This past summer, we had the honour of co-creating a magical Soul Art session with yoga & meditation teacher Sara Gallagher Bloom while she was in the process of building a new website and online program. In this rebirth, she felt called to use Traditional Chinese Medicine to structure her offerings as well as inform the visual universe of her brand.

Enjoy this cyclical journey through the seasons.

Photo & video: Liana Carbone
Asst: Alessia Pizzanelli
HMUA: Emilie MAH
Set & wardrobe stylist: Melissa Salvaggio
Floral stylist: Katia Keuylian



This is the energy of Fire;the time of warmth, activity, movement, growth and relationship. Nature itself is moving, the plants are growing, the animals are busy producing. It is vital, sensual.

Fire is the energy of the Heart Meridian - the Queen of the body's Kingdom.

Humans and plants flourish with the warmth of the sun. There is an uplifted, joyful feeling and a sense of safety. Fire is also the energy of the Heart Protector. This is our ability to have connection to people, the energy that stands in front of our heart and shields us from hurt, like a warrior would protect a monarch.


Late Summer

It is that pause between the rising Elements of Wood and Fire, and the descending Elements of Metal and Water. It is the energy of Earth — Mother Earth.

The Earth is about our feelings of stability. Think of the archetype of an Earth Mother;giving nourishing milk, showing so much compassion and care for its young, helping them feel safe and protected, giving them space to grow.

This season is about the fruits of our labour, about abundance.



A period of letting go what no longer serves in order to enrich the soil.

Lung Meridian: the "Receiver of Heavenly Qi" giving us the ability to receive pure qi, connection to the spirit and real connection to others.

By giving us connection to the heavenly realms, Metal helps us understand that we are more than the “day to day”of life, that we are connected to “all that is” and in that it is the source of our real self-esteem.



Water is about our ability to flow and to overcome obstacles.  To understand the attributes of water in ourselves, we can think of the many ways water presents itself in Nature. 

This is also the season where, through hibernation and reflection, we can conserve the Qi. The more we rest in Winter, the more harvest we can expect in Late Summer.



Spring is the beginning of the season cycle, a time of birth and new beginnings. 

It is also the time of hope;this season bursts forward with optimism, offering change after the quiet, still time of Winter.

This is the energy that brings forth new growth, that pushes the new grass through the snow, the new branches out from old wood, produces new leaves. It does this so nature can take in the nourishment it needs to flourish.

So what is this Wood energy doing? It is moving forward, a direct assertive energy making no apologies for pushing things out of its way.


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